American Mobile Dentistry

American Mobile Dentistry Association

Because of their remoteness, rural areas in America are generally deprived of primary oral care facilities, and it is clear that people in urban areas have an edge when accessing dental care services. Therefore, to bridge the urban and rural gap, the American Mobile Dentistry Association is providing the best solution: mobile dentistry.

The Need for Mobile Dentistry in Rural Areas

  • Rural health centers have a limited selection of qualified dentists
  • The majority of the dentists live in urban areas
  • There is a dominance of preventable and curable oral diseases
  • People have to travel a long distance to make in-person visits

To overcome the above mentioned issues, mobile dentistry is essential. This service is provided by Dentulu, a registered member of the American Mobile Dentistry Association, who sets the protocols and guidelines for all it’s member companies. Dentulu has a standard methodology in place to deliver oral care services, including diagnosis, treatment, and specialist referral, to remote locations through mobile dentistry. Our mobile dentists also work hard to raise awareness for mobile dentistry and for proper oral health practices in general.

In a way, Dentulu is engaged in a kind of social service. The outreach program conducted through mobile dentistry has made perceptible changes in the lives of the underserved. In recent times, with many health centers remaining shut down for the foreseeable future because of the COVID-19 pandemic, patients are left with hardly any option to get oral health care. Mobile dentistry has proven to be the optimal solution. As such, our mobile dentistry service has received an overwhelming response since the onset of pandemic virus, especially from rural communities. In fact, our mobile dentistry service has become so popular that almost all of our appointments are already booked. However, Dentulu also has teledentistry and virtual dentistry services, which allows patients to hold their appointments directly online. All of our services, from mobile dentistry, to teledentistry and virtual dentistry, are easy to book and are available anywhere and any time.

The objective of Dentulu and the American Mobile Dentistry Association is to provide better oral healthcare to deprived communities. Even in uncertain times like the present pandemic or any other natural calamity, we reach out to people to serve them. All of our services are available on the Dentulu dental app. It’s free to download and easy to register, and it’s available in both urban and rural areas. Under the purview of the American Mobile Dentistry Association, patients can expect reliable, accessible, and affordable oral care services. We believe every patient is entitled to quality oral care, and we empower them to take control of their own oral health.

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